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Courses Taught

Leadership and Communication

Marquette University, Spring 2021 - Spring 2022


Course designed to help students identify and discuss major approaches to leadership and and understand the importance of communication when leaders attempt to influence team members to achieve a goal. 


Communication, Innovation and Progressive Change 
Marquette University, Spring 2019 - Spring 2022

Course designed to help students recognize the influence of technological and social innovation in individual, organizational, and societal contexts and the role that communication plays in the dissemination of new ideas. 

Financial Communication and Investor Relations
Marquette University: Fall 2017 - Spring 2022

Asynchronous, online  graduate course designed to help students articulate the origin, definition, facets, and practical relevance of investor relations, demonstrate practical mastery of the investor relations function in organizations, and analyze, critique and/or extend contemporary investor relations scholarship.

Managerial Communication
Marquette University: Spring 2017 - Spring 2022

Course designed to define and demonstrate communication skills to accomplish managerial functions, describe how communication shapes and is shaped by current workplace trends, analyze key issues impacting managers, and identify the implications for workplace practice.

Corporate Communication
Marquette University: Fall 2016 - Spring 2022

Course designed to help students articulate the relationship between communication and other business functions, discuss and analyze major communication issues in a corporate setting, and critically consider corporate communication practices.

Organizational Communication
Marquette University: Fall 2016 - Spring 2022
University of Texas at Austin: Fall 2014 - Spring 2015

Course designed to help students understand organizational theory, identify communication issues in organizational contexts, apply various theoretical perspectives in solving organizational problems, and synthesize contemporary organizational scholarship with prescriptions from the business and popular press.

Professional Communication Skills
University of Texas at Austin: Spring 2012 - Spring 2014

Basic course designed to enhance students' communication, analytical thinking and critical listening skills through participation in and critique of public speech.

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